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Estructura del Cabello

Formulación de Colores



Prueba de Mechón

Aplicación de Falso Crecimiento

Cobertura de canas

Secciones Adecuadas para Cada Técnica

Técnicas de Balayage

Eliminación de Tonos No Deseados

Secado y Estilo moderno

Cuidados y Mantenimiento

Consultas en Línea

Elaboración y Envío de Presupuestos

Establecimiento de Precios

Mantenimiento en el Hogar

Lista de Herramientas

Lista de Fórmulas

Proveedores de Materiales y Suministros

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Precio normal $320.00


Text in the ticker

Text in the ticker

Text in the ticker

Text in the ticker

Text in the ticker

Text in the ticker

Our team

Name of 1st team member

Role of 1st team member

Name of 2nd team member

Role of 2nd team member

Name of 3rd team member

Role of 3rd team member

Name of 4th team member

Role of 4th team member


Review text of 1st author

Name of 1st author
Additional info of 1st author

Review text of 2nd author

Name of 2nd author
Additional info of 2nd author

Review text of 3rd author

Name of 3rd author
Additional info of 3rd author

Review text of 4th author

Name of 4th author
Additional info of 4th author

Review text of 5th author

Name of 5th author
Additional info of 5th author